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Why do kids need Vitamin D3

July 17,2023

Vitamin D3  is a kind of nutritional element that can promote calcium absorption and maintain the normal operation of the human immune system. The content of vitamin D3 in the food we often eat is not much, and the content of seafood fish and eggs is more. When the body is deficient in vitamin D3, children are prone to rickets, so it is necessary to take adequate vitamin D3 scientifically.


Effects of Vitamin D3 in children

1. Vitamin D3 can promote the absorption rate of calcium and phosphorus;

2. Vitamin D3 can promote bone calcification, make children's bones stronger, and prevent rickets in children;

3. Vitamin D3 can promote the growth of children's teeth and make children's teeth sounder.

Does my child need a Vitamin D3 supplement?

Because breast milk is not a good source of vitamin D3, breastfed infants should be given 400 IU of vitamin D3 daily, beginning soon after birth and continuing at least until they start eating solid foods. This supplement can be given through liquid vitamin D3 drops. Formula-fed babies should also receive a liquid vitamin D3 supplement until they drink at least 32 ounces of vitamin D-fortified formula per day.

If you are concerned that your child or teenager is not receiving enough vitamin D3 from diet or sun exposure, ask your pediatrician if a supplement is needed. A daily multivitamin for kids would include the recommended daily allowance for vitamin D3.

If you opt to give your child vitamin D  supplements, be mindful of the recommended daily allowances for your child's age. It’s possible to have too much vitamin D, and when that happens, kids can develop kidney stones.

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